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Melissa's Frate Train Boston Marathon ALS Website

Melissa Ruggiero

I run because I can, it is a cheap form of exercise and the endorphins are out of this world.  When a good friend of mine, Pete Frates, was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, I realized running can do a lot more. 

Pete's fight with ALS is truly inspiring and if you have or ever get the chance to meet Pete, his wife Julie and the rest of his family you will understand what it means to fight and live a fulfilling life.  Pete is a former Division I athlete at Boston College and has carried over that passion in creating awareness and a cure for ALS.  Please visit Pete's website to hear more about his story

The 2013 Boston Marathon's unforgettable event has provided a unique opportunity for 2014.  All of the runners that did not finish the race (mostly charity runners) are invited back to run in 2014.  We do not have to be provided a bib by a charity or qualify.  This means we can run for a chosen charity without taking up one of their bibs, in turn raising a heck of a lot more money!  I chose ALS Therapy Development Institute (TDI) because it is another organization that Pete supports and supports Pete.  I have had the opportunity to attend some of ALS TDI's events and they are extremely passionate about their very straight forward mission:
- Secure Funding
- Develop Potential Treatments

Please consider supporting my friend Pete's cause and my journey to complete the 2014 Boston Marathon.  Every little bit helps. 

Thank you for stopping by my page,
Melissa Blasczyk

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    Anonymous {{activity.Donation.FirstName}} {{activity.Donation.LastName}}
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    Anonymous {{activity.Donation.FirstName}} {{activity.Donation.LastName}} donated a hidden gift amount {{activity.Donation.Amount | currency}} {{activity.DonationDetail.DedicationType | lowercase}} of {{activity.DonationDetail.HonoreeName}}


    Today {{activity.DaysAgo}} day(s) ago Over a year ago

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