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Do the Lou Golf Classic

Laura Becker

I became aware of A.L.S. only after my Mom was diagnosed with Bulbar A.L.S. in October of 2008 at the age of 72. She at first had trouble speaking, then eating, and then walking. When she could no longer walk, she was given a scooter. She had it set to the fastest speed and loved the wind in her hair. A year later, at the age of 73 she lost her battle. She never complained, always had a smile on her face, and not only taught us how to live but also how to die with grace and dignity.

My mother often times would write down, "we need to help find a cure for this". I promised her that I would do my best. That is why I have created this site and am planning the Do the Lou Golf Classic, to help raise funds and awareness.

Laurie Becker, Event Host

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    Anonymous {{activity.Donation.FirstName}} {{activity.Donation.LastName}}
    {{(activity.Donation.IsAnonymous) ? 'Anonymous' : activity.Donation.FirstName}} {{(activity.Donation.IsAnonymous) ? '' : activity.Donation.LastName}}

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